ActiveCampaign + Tapfiliate

Create Tapfiliate customers from new or updated ActiveCampaign contacts

Effortlessly keep your contact information up to date between ActiveCampaign and Tapfiliate with this seamless workflow. Every time a new or updated contact appears in ActiveCampaign, the system will automatically create a customer in Tapfiliate, ensuring that your affiliate marketing program has the most accurate data to work with. Say goodbye to manual data entry and enjoy a smoother, more efficient process.

Effortlessly keep your contact information up to date between ActiveCampaign and Tapfiliate with this seamless workflow. Every time a new or updated contact appears in ActiveCampaign, the system will automatically create a customer in Tapfiliate, ensuring that your affiliate marketing program has the most accurate data to work with. Say goodbye to manual data entry and enjoy a smoother, more efficient process.

  1. When this happens...
    New or Updated Contact

    Triggers when a new contact is created or an existing contact's details are updated.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Customer

    Creates a customer.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

    • Custom ObjectRequired

    • Trigger EventsRequired

    Try It
    • Task Type (Optional)

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  • ActiveCampaign triggers, actions, and search

    New Automation Webhook

    Triggers when an automation sends out webhook data. To add a webhook in ActiveCampaign, navigate to your Automations section, add or edit an automation, and create a new "Webhook" action.

    Try It
    • ListRequired

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About ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is a customer experience automation (CXA) platform that helps businesses meaningfully engage customers. Access pre-built automations that combine transactional email and email marketing, marketing automation, ecommerce marketing, and CRM for powerful segmentation and personalization across social, email, messaging, chat, and text.
Learn more

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  • Marketing Automation

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tapfiliate logo

About Tapfiliate

Tapfiliate is cloud based affiliate tracking software. It enables you to create, track and optimize your own affiliate programs.

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  • eCommerce

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