Aesthetic Record EMR + Growth99+

Create new patients in Growth99+ from new invoices in Aesthetic Record EMR

This workflow commences when an invoice is created in the Aesthetic Record EMR app, leading to a patient action in Growth99+. This automation enhances efficiency, ensuring prompt communication between the two apps to improve patient management. It's a seamless connection for medical professionals who want to streamline their invoice and patient management process.

This workflow commences when an invoice is created in the Aesthetic Record EMR app, leading to a patient action in Growth99+. This automation enhances efficiency, ensuring prompt communication between the two apps to improve patient management. It's a seamless connection for medical professionals who want to streamline their invoice and patient management process.

  1. When this happens...
    Aesthetic Record EMRAesthetic Record EMR
    New Invoice

    Triggers when a new invoice is generated in Aesthetic Record.

  2. automatically do this!

    Create a patient records on growth99+

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Supported triggers and actions

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About Aesthetic Record EMR

Aesthetic Record EMR is A Complete Practice Management & EMR Solution in the Industry. Software Designed To Make Growing Your Aesthetic Practice Easy.

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  • Contact Management
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About Growth99+

Growth99 is the industry leader in innovative technology and digital marketing solutions that accelerate the growth of your business. With expertise in CRM, self-driving landing pages, and virtual consultations, your business becomes streamlined with one system and one team

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  • Sales & CRM