Airmeet + Zapier Tables

Create records in Zapier Tables for new Airmeets in the Airmeet app

Create a smooth transition from new events in Airmeet by generating records in Zapier Tables swiftly and effortlessly. This workflow activates when a new Airmeet occurs, immediately creating a record in Zapier Tables. It's an efficient way to keep all your event data organized in one place without the need for manual entry. Enjoy the convenience of having your event information safely stored and ready for quick access whenever needed.

Create a smooth transition from new events in Airmeet by generating records in Zapier Tables swiftly and effortlessly. This workflow activates when a new Airmeet occurs, immediately creating a record in Zapier Tables. It's an efficient way to keep all your event data organized in one place without the need for manual entry. Enjoy the convenience of having your event information safely stored and ready for quick access whenever needed.

  1. When this happens...
    New Airmeet

    Triggers when a new Airmeet is created.

  2. automatically do this!
    Zapier TablesZapier Tables
    Create Record

    Creates a new record on a table.

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Supported triggers and actions

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About Airmeet

Airmeet is an all-in-one platform for communities & organizations to host immersive events and build real connections, online.
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Related categories

  • Event Management
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About Zapier Tables

Zapier Tables is a no-code database built for automation.
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Related categories

  • Databases
  • Spreadsheets
  • Zapier