Plant trees with Ecodrive for newly shipped Amazon Seller Central orders
Integrate your Amazon Seller Central with Ecodrive using this Zapier template. For every new order you ship on Amazon, a tree will be planted in partnership with Ecodrive. Turn your e-commerce operations into an eco-friendly venture and make a positive impact on the environment with each sale!
Integrate your Amazon Seller Central with Ecodrive using this Zapier template. For every new order you ship on Amazon, a tree will be planted in partnership with Ecodrive. Turn your e-commerce operations into an eco-friendly venture and make a positive impact on the environment with each sale!
- When this happens...New Order
Triggers when a new order is received.
- automatically do this!Plant Trees
Plant one or many trees per action
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
Order Status
Try ItPlant Trees
Plant one or many trees per action
Api Docs Info
Stop on errorRequired
HTTP MethodRequired
Query string parameters
Additional request headers