Attio + SavvyCal

Manage new or updated SavvyCal workflows by creating or updating records in Attio

When a new workflow is activated in SavvyCal, this automation will immediately create or update a record in your Attio app. This ensures your data stays fresh and updated in Attio without the need for manual input, saving you time so you can focus on other important tasks. Keep track of your workflows with ease and efficiency, and let this automatic integration handle the record updates for you.

When a new workflow is activated in SavvyCal, this automation will immediately create or update a record in your Attio app. This ensures your data stays fresh and updated in Attio without the need for manual input, saving you time so you can focus on other important tasks. Keep track of your workflows with ease and efficiency, and let this automatic integration handle the record updates for you.

  1. When this happens...
    Triggered Workflow

    Triggers when a workflow action is run for an event.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create or Update Record

    Creates or updates a record, such as a person, company or deal. The record is created if it doesn't yet exist, otherwise it is updated. This can also be used for finding a record by a unique attribute, such as an email address.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

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About Attio

Attio is the CRM of the future: data-driven, completely customizable and intuitively collaborative.
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  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

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About SavvyCal

SavvyCal is scheduling software that makes it easy for both parties to find the best time to meet.
Learn more

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  • Scheduling & Booking