Azure DevOps + Gmail

Create work items in Azure DevOps for new labeled emails in Gmail

When a new labeled email appears in your Gmail inbox, this workflow swiftly translates it into a work item in Azure DevOps. It efficiently streamline your project tracking process by directly inputting important emails into your project management system. With this automation, your communication remains organized and your tasks stay up-to-date, ensuring that no task goes unnoticed.

When a new labeled email appears in your Gmail inbox, this workflow swiftly translates it into a work item in Azure DevOps. It efficiently streamline your project tracking process by directly inputting important emails into your project management system. With this automation, your communication remains organized and your tasks stay up-to-date, ensuring that no task goes unnoticed.

  1. When this happens...
    New Labeled Email

    Triggers when you label an email.

  2. automatically do this!
    Azure DevOpsAzure DevOps
    Create Work Item

    Create a new work item.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

    • Label or mailbox

    • Search keywords

    Try It
    • Label or mailboxRequired

    Try It
    • Search keywordsRequired

    Try It
    • Label/Mailbox

    Try It
  • Gmail triggers, actions, and search

    New Label

    Triggers when you add a new label.

    Try It
    • Label or mailbox

    Try It
  • Gmail triggers, actions, and search

    New Starred Email

    Triggers when you receive a new email and star it within two days.

    Try It
    • Label

    • MessageRequired

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About Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is where teams manage, develop, and deliver software in the cloud. Azure DevOps provides free, private Git project hosting for up to 5 users, project and test management tools, build and CI, and team collaboration. Connect using the development tools of your choice, including Visual Studio, Eclipse, Xcode, and more.

Related categories

  • Developer Tools
  • Microsoft

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About Gmail

One of the most popular email services, Gmail keeps track of all your emails with threaded conversations, tags, and Google-powered search to find any message you need.
Learn more

Related categories

  • Email
  • Google

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