Append entries and schedule digests by Zapier, create WordPress posts, and add them to Buffer queues for new DreamApply registrations
Activate this integration to automatically append new applicant entries from DreamApply to your digest, create a WordPress post, and schedule social media updates via Buffer. Streamline your content publication and save yourself from manual updates.
Activate this integration to automatically append new applicant entries from DreamApply to your digest, create a WordPress post, and schedule social media updates via Buffer. Streamline your content publication and save yourself from manual updates.
- When this happens...Applicant Registered
Triggers when a new applicant has registered (on their own). This is separate from an applicant being imported or entered by an advisor/agent.
- automatically do this...Append Entry and Schedule Digest
Appends an entry to your digest, and schedules a time for it to be released.
- then do this...Create Post
Triggers when a new post is created.
- then do this!Add to Queue
Add an item to your queue or send an update immediately to any of your Buffer channels.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
Applicant Registered
Triggers when a new applicant has registered (on their own). This is separate from an applicant being imported or entered by an advisor/agent.
Try ItApplication Was Created
Triggers when an application is created (either fresh, or by cloning an older application).
Try ItApplication Was Re-Submitted
Triggers when an application is re-submitted (after being submitted and reopened before). This may trigger multiple times as applications can be reopened and re-submitted by applicants at will. Note that there is a separate trigger for catching just the first-time submitted applications.
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Applicant Requested to Be Forgotten
Triggers when an applicant presses the button to request their data to be removed from the system, according to the GDPR right to be forgotten.
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Try ItApplication Was Submitted
Triggers when an application is submitted for the first time. Note that there is a separate trigger for re-submitted applications.
Try ItCourse Was Added to Application
Triggers when a priority (course, programme) was added to an application. This happens in conjunction with a new application being created, but it may also happen separately when the applicant decides to add another priority.
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