Add new Calendly events to Proof as conversions
Humanize your website by displaying new Calendly events in real-time. This Zapier integration has made it dead simple by automating the process. After you've set up this Zap, your new Calendly invitees will automatically be added to your Proof campaign as conversion. Now, when people book appointments with your company, you can display text like "Joe Doe from XYZ Corporation just booked an appointment with our consultants!" in order to convince others to do the same.
Humanize your website by displaying new Calendly events in real-time. This Zapier integration has made it dead simple by automating the process. After you've set up this Zap, your new Calendly invitees will automatically be added to your Proof campaign as conversion. Now, when people book appointments with your company, you can display text like "Joe Doe from XYZ Corporation just booked an appointment with our consultants!" in order to convince others to do the same.
- When this happens...Invitee Created
Triggers when an invitee schedules an event
- automatically do this!Create Conversion
Creates a new conversion for a campaign.
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- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
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Try ItCancel Scheduled Event
Cancels a scheduled event with a specified reason for the cancellation.
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Event Type
Try ItEvent NameRequired
Host UserRequired
Duration (in minutes)Required
Time Zone
Start DateRequired
End DateRequired
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Mark Invitee as No Show
Marks a specific invitee as a no show.
First Name
IP Address