Create documents from text in Google Docs with new Circleback automations
Follow up on new automations easily with a streamlined workflow from this Zap. Set it up to automatically generate a document from text in Google Docs with each new automation in Circleback.
Follow up on new automations easily with a streamlined workflow from this Zap. Set it up to automatically generate a document from text in Google Docs with each new automation in Circleback.
- When this happens...Automations
Triggers when the selected Circleback automation step is run.
- automatically do this!Create Document From Text
Create a new document from text. Also supports limited HTML.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
Automation stepRequired
Try ItDrive
Try ItDrive containing the template document
Folder containing the template document
Template DocumentRequired
New Document NameRequired
Folder for new Document
Sharing Preference
Unused Fields Preference
Export Formats
Insert Inline Image (Image URL)
Image location (Segment ID)
Image location (Index)
Image location (tabId)
Document NameRequired
Document ContentRequired
Export Formats
Insert Inline Image (Image URL)
Image location (Segment ID)
Image location (Index)
Image location (tabId)
New Document
Triggers when a new document is added (inside any folder).
Try ItDrive
Document NameRequired
Text to AppendRequired
Append Text on New Line?
Specify Document Name
Api Docs Info
Stop on errorRequired
HTTP MethodRequired
Query string parameters
Additional request headers