Coupon Carrier Integrations
Coupon Carrier Help & Support
Do more with Coupon Carrier integrations
Zapier lets you connect Coupon Carrier with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.
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Code List
Try ItType of identifierRequired
Code ListRequired
Allow Multiple Codes
Generate a QR/Barcode Image
Email Address or Unique IdentifierRequired
Immediately assign a code?
Do you want to activate or pause the configuration?Required
Code List
Try ItCode ListRequired
Code ListRequired
Allow Multiple Usages
Should this step be considered a "success" even if the code was not found in the specified code list?
Email AddressRequired
Merge fields
Should this step be considered a "success" even if the recipient has already received a code?