Cyfe + MySQL

Track the number of new MySQL rows over time in Cyfe

MySQL databases are powerful, but they can be hard to digest. With this Zapier automation, every new row in a MySQL database is sent to Cyfe as a value in a dashboard widget, creating a graph that you can understand at a glance.

MySQL databases are powerful, but they can be hard to digest. With this Zapier automation, every new row in a MySQL database is sent to Cyfe as a value in a dashboard widget, creating a graph that you can understand at a glance.

  1. When this happens...
    New Row

    Triggers when you add a new row.

  2. automatically do this!
    Push Value

    Pushes new value to Cyfe Push API widget.

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Supported triggers and actions

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About Cyfe

Cyfe is an all-in-one business dashboard app that helps you easily monitor all your business data from one place (e.g. social media, analytics, marketing, sales, support, infrastructure, etc).

Related categories

  • Dashboards
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About MySQL

MySQL is a premier database used in millions of production environments around the world. Easily plug your MySQL database into any web service.
Learn more

Related categories

  • Databases

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