Send personalized emails generated by DocsBot AI to new Mailchimp subscribers
Craft a personal welcome email for every new subscriber on Mailchimp. When a new user subscribes, DocsBot AI will automatically generate a personalized welcome email with knowledge of your business, which Zapier then sends out, maintaining a consistent, engaging first touchpoint. Create a more personalized experience for your new subscribers with ease.
Craft a personal welcome email for every new subscriber on Mailchimp. When a new user subscribes, DocsBot AI will automatically generate a personalized welcome email with knowledge of your business, which Zapier then sends out, maintaining a consistent, engaging first touchpoint. Create a more personalized experience for your new subscribers with ease.
- When this happens...New Subscriber
Triggers when a new subscriber is added to an audience.
- automatically do this...Ask Question
Ask a new question to your DocsBot and get an answer.
- then do this!Send Outbound Email
Send up to 5 emails per day on Free or Trial Zapier plans, or up to 10 emails per hour on paid Zapier plans from a custom address.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps