Email by Zapier + Reddit + Slack + Digest by Zapier

Get Slack notifications for Reddit mentions and get an email summary of mentions daily, weekly, or monthly

Watching Reddit for new mentions about you or your company can take a lot of time. After you set up this Zap, Zapier will watch for new comments and posts containing your search term. When a new mention occurs, Zapier will notify the Slack channel of your choice so your team can be the first on the scene. Digest by Zapier stores a log of these mentions and emails you a summary on a schedule you choose - daily, weekly, or monthly - so you can see all recent mentions at a glance.

Watching Reddit for new mentions about you or your company can take a lot of time. After you set up this Zap, Zapier will watch for new comments and posts containing your search term. When a new mention occurs, Zapier will notify the Slack channel of your choice so your team can be the first on the scene. Digest by Zapier stores a log of these mentions and emails you a summary on a schedule you choose - daily, weekly, or monthly - so you can see all recent mentions at a glance.

  1. When this happens...
    New Post or Comment Matching Search

    Triggers when there is a new post or comment that matches a search string.

  2. automatically do this...
    Send Channel Message

    Triggers when a new message is posted to a specific #channel you choose.

  3. then do this...
    Digest by ZapierDigest by Zapier
    Append Entry and Schedule Digest

    Appends an entry to your digest, and schedules a time for it to be released.

  4. then do this!
    Email by ZapierEmail by Zapier
    Send Outbound Email

    Send up to 5 emails per day on Free or Trial Zapier plans, or up to 10 emails per hour on paid Zapier plans from a custom address.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

email logo
email logo

About Email by Zapier

Send and receive email via a custom Zapier email address at "". This is great for triggering off of emails and sending custom emails. (Max of 10 email sends per hour.) Have direct access to your own email servers? Check out our IMAP and SMTP services!
Learn more

Related categories

  • Email
  • Zapier
reddit logo
reddit logo

About Reddit

Reddit, stylized as reddit, is a social news and entertainment website where registered users submit content in the form of links or text posts.
Learn more

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slack logo
slack logo

About Slack

Slack is a platform for team communication: everything in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. Offering instant messaging, document sharing and knowledge search for modern teams.
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digest logo
digest logo

About Digest by Zapier

Digest captures info from multiple events in your workflows and collects them in a single easily consumed summary that can be sent to any app.

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  • Developer Tools
  • Zapier

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