Integrate Fortnox with Shopify to automate your work
Top companies trust Zapier to automate work that solves their unique business problems—no coding required.
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate Fortnox with Shopify - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
Select a trigger from Fortnox
Setup an action from Shopify
That’s it! You just connected Fortnox to Shopify
Zapier is the automation platform of choice for 87% of Forbes Cloud 100 companies in 2023
Customers who say using Zapier has made them better at their job
Customers have created over 25 million Zaps on the platform
6 mins
The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap
Set up your first integration
Quickly connect Fortnox to Shopify with a Zapier template.
Our most popular template
Connect Fortnox and Shopify to integrate crucial parts of your business
With Zapier, you can integrate everything from basic data entry to end-to-end processes. Here are some of the business-critical workflows that people automate with Zapier.
Automate your lead management and improve conversions
Create more impactful campaigns with automation
Provide world-class support with a little help from automation
Automate your way to actionable, up-to-date data
Resolve incidents faster with automation
Connect Fortnox and Shopify to unlock the power of automation
With Zapier's 7,000 integrations, you can unify your tools within a connected system to improve your team's efficiency and deepen their impact.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- Customer Created
Triggers when a new customer is created or first time we see an update on it.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan - Invoice Fully Paid
Triggers when an invoice is fully paid.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan - New Article
Triggers when a new article is created.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan - Invoice numberRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Customer Number
- Invoice numberRequired
- Invoice date
- Due date
- Currency
- External Invoice Reference
- VAT Included
- Remarks
- Customer's order number
- Your reference
- Tax Reduction Type
- Language
- Freight
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Invoice numberRequired
- Article Number
- Description
- Quantity
- Unit
- Price
- Discount
- Discount type
- Account number
- Project
- Cost Center
- Stock Point Code
- Housework Type
- Housework?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Project Number
- Description
- Contact Person
- Project Leader
- Status
- Start Date
- End Date
- Comments
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- CodeRequired
- Description
- Note
- Active
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Description
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Customer Number
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Invoice numberRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Invoice numberRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Article Number
- Description
- Bulky
- Construction Account
- Disposable Quantity
- EU Account
- EU VAT Account
- Export Account
- Height
- Width
- Depth
- Weight
- Housework
- Housework Type
- Active
- Manufacturer
- Manufacturer Article Number
- Note
- Purchase Account
- Purchase Price
- Quantity In Stock
- Sales Account
- Stock Goods
- Stock Place
- Stock Value
- Stock Warning
- Supplier Name
- Supplier Number
- Type
- Unit
- Webshop Article
- Expired
- Direct Cost
- Freight Cost
- Other Cost
- Stock Account
- Stock Change Account
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found- Name
- Customer Number
- Customer Email
- Active
- Invoicing email
- Invoicing email CC
- Invoicing email BCC
- Default Delivery Type For Invoice
- Default Delivery Type For Order
- Default Delivery Type For Offer
- Address 1
- Address 2
- Zip Code
- City
- Country code
- Fax
- Comments
- Currency
- External reference
- Invoice remark
- Our reference
- Your reference
- Phone number
- Price List
- Organisation number
- Type
- Show prices with VAT included
- VAT number
- VAT type
- Delivery Address 1
- Delivery Address 2
- Delivery Zip code
- Delivery City
- Delivery Country Code
- Delivery Fax
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found- Invoice numberRequired
- Customer Number
- Delivery Date
- Currency
- External Invoice Reference
- VAT Included
- Remarks
- Customer's order number
- Your reference
- Tax Reduction Type
- Terms Of Payment
- Terms Of Delivery
- Way Of Delivery
- Language
- Freight
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found- BlogRequired
- Blog Entry Status
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan- Customer Account Enabled
Triggers when a customer account is enabled.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - Abandoned Cart Age (Hours)Required
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan- New Draft Order
Triggers when a new draft order is created
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - New Order
Triggers when an order is created (with line item support).
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - New Refund
Triggers when a refund or partial refund occurs.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - New Tag Added to Customer
Triggers when a new tag is added to a customer.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan - Updated Product
Triggers when a Product is updated, ordered or when a variant is added, removed, or updated.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - Order IDRequired
- Type of Line Item to AddRequired
- Reason for Edit
- Notify the Customer?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- BlogRequired
- TitleRequired
- Author NameRequired
- ContentRequired
- Featured Image URL
- Excerpt/Summary
- TagsRequired
- Is Published?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Product IDRequired
- Add New Image - File
- Add New Image - Alt Text
- Choose Existing Image
- Price
- Compare-at Price
- Charge Tax On This Variant?
- Cost Per Item
- SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
- Barcode (ISBN, UPC, GTIN, etc.)
- Track Quantity?
- Continue Selling When Out of Stock?
- This Is a Physical Product
- Weight
- Weight Unit
- Country/Region of Origin
- Harmonized System (HS) code
- Position
- Requires Components
- Tax Code
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Contact Email
- ProductRequired
- Product Variant
- Product Quantity
- TitleRequired
- Price
- Weight in Grams
- A note about the company
- Discount - Type
- Discount - Amount
- Discount - Code
- Additional Details
- TagsRequired
- Shipping_address_instructions
- Shipping Address - First name
- Shipping Address - Last name
- Shipping Address - Company
- Shipping Address - Phone
- Shipping Address - Address
- Shipping Address - Address con't
- Shipping Address - City
- Shipping Address - Country
- Shipping Address - State/Province/Region
- Shipping Address - Postal/Zip code
- Billing_address_instructions
- Billing Address - First name
- Billing Address - Last name
- Billing Address - Company
- Billing Address - Phone
- Billing Address - Address
- Billing Address - Address con't
- Billing Address - City
- Billing Address - Country
- Billing Address - State/Province/Region
- Billing Address - Postal/Zip code
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Adjust or Set quantity?Required
- NameRequired
- The reason for the quantity changesRequired
- LocationRequired
- ProductRequired
- Product VariantRequired
- Product Quantity
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- TitleRequired
- Product_typeRequired
- VendorRequired
- Payment Status
- Product Description
- TagsRequired
- Collection ID
- Handle
- A note about the company
- First Product Option
- Values for First Product Option
- Second Product Option
- Values for Second Product Option
- Third Product Option
- Values for Third Product Option
- Category
- Alt Text
- Media Content Type
- Original Source
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- CustomerRequired
- TagsRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- CustomerRequired
- First Name
- Last Name
- Contact Email
- Company Name
- Default Address
- Street Address
- Street Address Line 2
- City
- State
- State/Province Code
- Country
- Zip Code
- TagsRequired
- Contact Phone
- A note about the company
- Tax Exempt
- Tax Exemptions
- Accepts Marketing
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- ProductRequired
- Product Variant
- Price
- Compare at Price
- SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
- Barcode (ISBN, UPC, GTIN, etc.)
- Tax Code
- Charge Tax On This Variant?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- HTTP MethodRequired
- URLRequired
- Query String Parameters
- Headers
- Additional Request Headers
- Body
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Query - Name
- Query - Confirmation Number
- Query - Email
- Query - Customer ID
- Query - Location ID
- Query - SKU
- Query - Order ID
- Sort Key
- Reverse?
- Raw Query
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Order IDRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Order IDRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Product TitlesRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Product TitlesRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Product IDRequired
- TitleRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- TitleRequired
- Product_typeRequired
- VendorRequired
- Payment Status
- Product Description
- TagsRequired
- Collection ID
- Handle
- A note about the company
- First Product Option
- Values for First Product Option
- Second Product Option
- Values for Second Product Option
- Third Product Option
- Values for Third Product Option
- Category
- Alt Text
- Media Content Type
- Original Source
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found
- Invoice Bookkept
Triggers when an invoice is bookkept.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan - Invoice Payment Bookkept
Triggers when an invoice payment is bookkept.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan - New Order
Triggers when a new order is created. Note that a order created from an Offer may have rows but if you just created the order manually it will probably not. Please use something like "Delay by Zapier" and then fetch the order again using "Find Order" to give yourself more time to set rows and other properties.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan - Name
- Customer Number
- Customer Email
- Active
- Invoicing email
- Invoicing email CC
- Invoicing email BCC
- Default Delivery Type For Invoice
- Default Delivery Type For Order
- Default Delivery Type For Offer
- Address 1
- Address 2
- Zip Code
- City
- Country code
- Fax
- Comments
- Currency
- External reference
- Invoice remark
- Our reference
- Your reference
- Phone number
- Price List
- Organisation number
- Type
- Show prices with VAT included
- VAT number
- VAT type
- Delivery Address 1
- Delivery Address 2
- Delivery Zip code
- Delivery City
- Delivery Country Code
- Delivery Fax
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Invoice numberRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Invoice numberRequired
- Article Number
- Description
- Quantity
- Unit
- Price
- Discount
- Discount type
- Account number
- Project
- Cost Center
- Stock Point Code
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Article Number
- Description
- Bulky
- Construction Account
- Disposable Quantity
- EU Account
- EU VAT Account
- Export Account
- Height
- Width
- Depth
- Weight
- Housework
- Housework Type
- Active
- Manufacturer
- Manufacturer Article Number
- Note
- Purchase Account
- Purchase Price
- Quantity In Stock
- Sales Account
- Stock Goods
- Stock Place
- Stock Value
- Stock Warning
- Supplier Name
- Supplier Number
- Type
- Unit
- Webshop Article
- Expired
- Direct Cost
- Freight Cost
- Other Cost
- Stock Account
- Stock Change Account
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Customer Number
- Invoice numberRequired
- Delivery Date
- Currency
- External Invoice Reference
- VAT Included
- Remarks
- Customer's order number
- Your reference
- Tax Reduction Type
- Terms Of Payment
- Terms Of Delivery
- Way Of Delivery
- Language
- Freight
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Article Number
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Name
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Invoice numberRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Description
- Article Number
- Bulky
- Construction Account
- Disposable Quantity
- EU Account
- EU VAT Account
- Export Account
- Height
- Width
- Depth
- Weight
- Housework
- Housework Type
- Active
- Manufacturer
- Manufacturer Article Number
- Note
- Purchase Account
- Purchase Price
- Quantity In Stock
- Sales Account
- Stock Goods
- Stock Place
- Stock Value
- Stock Warning
- Supplier Name
- Supplier Number
- Type
- Unit
- Webshop Article
- Expired
- Direct Cost
- Freight Cost
- Other Cost
- Stock Account
- Stock Change Account
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found- Customer Number
- Name
- Customer Email
- Active
- Invoicing email
- Invoicing email CC
- Invoicing email BCC
- Default Delivery Type For Invoice
- Default Delivery Type For Order
- Default Delivery Type For Offer
- Address 1
- Address 2
- Zip Code
- City
- Country code
- Fax
- Comments
- Currency
- External reference
- Invoice remark
- Our reference
- Your reference
- Phone number
- Price List
- Organisation number
- Type
- Show prices with VAT included
- VAT number
- VAT type
- Delivery Address 1
- Delivery Address 2
- Delivery Zip code
- Delivery City
- Delivery Country Code
- Delivery Fax
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found- Invoice numberRequired
- Customer Number
- Invoice date
- Due date
- Currency
- External Invoice Reference
- VAT Included
- Remarks
- Customer's order number
- Your reference
- Tax Reduction Type
- Language
- Freight
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found- New Blog
Triggers when a new blog is added to your Shopify store.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan - New Customer
Triggers when a new customer is added to your Shopify account.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapScheduledZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan - New Cancelled Order
Triggers whenever an order is cancelled (with line item support).
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - New Fulfilled Order
Triggers when an order is fulfilled (with line item support).
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - New Paid Order
Triggers when an order is paid (with line item support).
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - New Product
Triggers when a product is created.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - Updated Customer
Triggers when a customer's information is updated.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - Updated Order
Triggers when an order is updated (with line item support).
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - Updated Tag in Order
Triggers when a tag has either been added or removed from an order.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - CustomerRequired
- TagsRequired
- Overwrite existing tags?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- NameRequired
- ExternalId
- A note about the company
- Company_contact
- Contact Email
- Contact First Name
- Contact Last Name
- Contact Phone
- TitleRequired
- Contact_locale
- Location
- Billing same as shipping address?
- Company_shippingAddress
- Shipping Address Line 1
- Shipping Address Line 2
- Shipping Address City
- Shipping Address Country Code
- Shipping_firstName
- Shipping_lastName
- Shipping Address Phone
- Shipping Address Recipient
- Shipping Address Zip
- Shipping Address Zone Code
- Location External ID
- Location_locale
- Location_name
- Location_note
- Location_phone
- TaxRegistrationId
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- First Name
- Last Name
- Contact Email
- Customer Phone
- Company Name
- Street Address
- Street Address Line 2
- City
- State
- State/Province Code
- Country
- Zip Code
- Contact Phone
- TagsRequired
- A note about the company
- Accepts Marketing
- Tax Exempt
- Tax Exemptions
- Send E-Mail Invite
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Order IDRequired
- Fulfillment Order IDRequired
- Notify Customer
- Address Line 1
- Street Address Line 2
- City
- Country Code
- State/Province Code
- Zip Code
- Tracking Company
- Tracking Number
- Tracking URL
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Contact Email
- ProductRequired
- Product Variant
- SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
- Product Quantity
- TitleRequired
- Price
- Weight in Grams
- Price
- Rate
- Title
- A note about the company
- Discount - Type
- Discount - Amount
- Discount - Code
- Additional Details
- TagsRequired
- Buyer Accepts Marketing?
- Shipping_address_instructions
- Shipping Address - First name
- Shipping Address - Last name
- Shipping Address - Company
- Shipping Address - Phone
- Shipping Address - Address
- Shipping Address - Address con't
- Shipping Address - City
- Shipping Address - Country
- Shipping Address - Country Code
- Shipping Address - State/Province/Region
- Shipping Address - State/Province/Region Code
- Shipping Address - Postal/Zip code
- Billing_address_instructions
- Billing Address - First name
- Billing Address - Last name
- Billing Address - Company
- Billing Address - Phone
- Billing Address - Address
- Billing Address - Address con't
- Billing Address - City
- Billing Address - Country
- Billing Address - Country Code
- Billing Address - State/Province/Region
- Billing Address - State/Province/Region Code
- Billing Address - Postal/Zip code
- Send_receipt
- Send_fulfillment_receipt
- LocationRequired
- Inventory_behaviour
- Financial_status
- Fulfillment Status
- Code
- Title
- Price
- Discounted Price
- Source
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- ProductRequired
- Channel IDRequired
- Publish Date
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Order IDRequired
- Amount
- Currency
- Type
- Parent Transaction
- Warning
- Gateway
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- Order IDRequired
- Contact Email
- A note about the company
- Contact Phone
- Buyer Accepts Marketing?
- Remove Customer from Order?
- TagsRequired
- Additional Details
- Shipping Address - Address
- Shipping Address - Address con't
- Shipping Address - City
- Shipping Address - Company
- Shipping Address - Country
- Shipping Address - First name
- Shipping Address - Last name
- Shipping Address - Latitude
- Shipping Address - Longitude
- Shipping Address - Name
- Shipping Address - Phone
- Shipping Address - State/Province/Region
- Shipping Address - State/Province/Region Code
- Shipping Address - Postal/Zip code
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- ProductRequired
- TitleRequired
- Product_typeRequired
- VendorRequired
- Payment Status
- Product Description
- TagsRequired
- Category
- Collections to Join
- Collections to Leave
- Handle
- Redirect Handle?
- Alt Text
- Media Content Type
- Original Source
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.- NameRequired
- Contact Email
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Order IDRequired
- Include Closed Fulfillment Orders
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- Owner_resourceRequired
- Owner_idRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- IdsRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- TitleRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app- NameRequired
- Contact Email
- First Name
- Last Name
- Customer Phone
- Company Name
- Street Address
- Street Address Line 2
- City
- State
- State/Province Code
- Country
- Zip Code
- Contact Phone
- TagsRequired
- A note about the company
- Accepts Marketing
- Tax Exempt
- Tax Exemptions
- Send E-Mail Invite
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found- Product IDRequired
- TitleRequired
- Add New Image - File
- Add New Image - Alt Text
- Choose Existing Image
- Price
- Compare-at Price
- Charge Tax On This Variant?
- Cost Per Item
- SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
- Barcode (ISBN, UPC, GTIN, etc.)
- Track Quantity?
- Continue Selling When Out of Stock?
- This Is a Physical Product
- Weight
- Weight Unit
- Country/Region of Origin
- Harmonized System (HS) code
- Position
- Requires Components
- Tax Code
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is found