
G2 Crowd + Viable

Send new G2 Crowd reviews to Viable for text tagging and analysis

Analyze what reviewers are saying about your product in G2 Crowd at scale without reading through each entry manually. Every time a new G2 Crowd review is submitted, the text will be sent to Viable where it'll be tagged, analyzed, and summarized instantly so you can quickly spot trends across your reviews.

Analyze what reviewers are saying about your product in G2 Crowd at scale without reading through each entry manually. Every time a new G2 Crowd review is submitted, the text will be sent to Viable where it'll be tagged, analyzed, and summarized instantly so you can quickly spot trends across your reviews.

  1. When this happens...
    G2 CrowdG2 Crowd
    New Review

    Triggers when new review created.

  2. automatically do this!
    Ingest Datapoint

    Ingests a datapoint into your feedback feed.

Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
  • G2 Crowd triggers, actions, and search

    Tracked Prospect

    Triggers when a visitor moves from your profile to a page tracked by Prospect Tracking, or vice versa.

    Try It
  • G2 Crowd triggers, actions, and search

    New Lead

    Triggers when a lead is generated on your product listing.

    Try It
    • TextRequired

    • Created AtRequired

    • End User EmailRequired

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About G2 Crowd

G2 Crowd is a business review platform, that makes business purchasing decisions transparent and easy.

Related categories

  • Reviews
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About Viable

Viable automates qualitative feedback analysis so business teams can quickly and easily get summarized insights in natural language, powered by GPT-3.

Related categories