Add new Geekbot standup reports to Google Docs
If you love working in Google Docs, why not use Zapier to post team updates there too? With just one Zapier integration, you can add the latest daily standup, retrospective, and survey answers to the end of a Google Doc. You'll be able to read all responses, old and new, all in one place.
If you love working in Google Docs, why not use Zapier to post team updates there too? With just one Zapier integration, you can add the latest daily standup, retrospective, and survey answers to the end of a Google Doc. You'll be able to read all responses, old and new, all in one place.
- When this happens...New Report
Triggers when a new report is posted.
- automatically do this!Append Text to Document
Appends text to an existing document.
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Try ItNew Document
Triggers when a new document is added (inside any folder).
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