Send notifications via Gmail for new YouTube channel videos
Keeping up with all of the great content that is on YouTube can sometimes feel like a burden. Who has the time to go back and see if your favorite channel has added a new video? Now with the help of Zapier, you never have to worry about missing videos ever again! When there is a new video on a YouTube channel, you'll receive a notification email.
Keeping up with all of the great content that is on YouTube can sometimes feel like a burden. Who has the time to go back and see if your favorite channel has added a new video? Now with the help of Zapier, you never have to worry about missing videos ever again! When there is a new video on a YouTube channel, you'll receive a notification email.
- When this happens...New Video in Channel
Triggers when a new video is published to a specific YouTube channel.
- automatically do this!Send Email
Triggers when a new email appears in the specified mailbox.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
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