Integrate Google Ads with Mailchimp to automate your work
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate Google Ads with Mailchimp - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
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6 mins
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Quickly connect Google Ads to Mailchimp with a Zapier template.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Google Ads + Mailchimp integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with Google Ads and Mailchimp
How do I connect Google Ads to Mailchimp using your platform?
To connect Google Ads with Mailchimp, begin by creating a Zap in your account. Select Google Ads as the trigger app and choose a trigger event such as 'New Lead Form Entry'. Next, set Mailchimp as the action app and select actions like 'Add/Update Subscriber'. Follow the prompts to authorize each account, map fields from Google Ads to Mailchimp, and activate your Zap.
What types of triggers are available when integrating Google Ads with Mailchimp?
When integrating Google Ads with Mailchimp using our platform, you can use triggers such as 'New Lead Form Entry' or 'New Campaign'. These triggers allow you to automatically capture lead information or campaign data from Google Ads and perform actions in Mailchimp like updating contact lists.
Can I automate email campaigns in Mailchimp based on events in Google Ads?
Yes, you can automate email campaigns in Mailchimp based on specific events in Google Ads. For instance, when a new lead form entry is generated in Google Ads, our platform can trigger an automatic email campaign to welcome the new leads through Mailchimp.
Is it possible to update subscriber information in Mailchimp from data collected via Google Ads?
Certainly. By setting up a workflow on our platform where a completed lead form serves as the trigger event in Google Ads, you can automatically update or add subscriber information within your Mailchimp list.
How secure are my integrations between Google Ads and Mailchimp through your platform?
We prioritize data security across all connectors. Integrations between Google Ads and Mailchimp use secure OAuth for authentication ensuring that your credentials and data remain protected at all times during transfers.
Are there any limitations when connecting multiple accounts for both apps?
While you can connect multiple accounts for both Google Ads and Mailchimp, it's important to ensure each connection is authenticated separately through our platform. Check for any specific rate limits or API restrictions imposed by either service that might affect extensive data transfers.
How often does the data sync happen between these two services once integrated?
The frequency of data synchronization between Google Ads and Mailchimp depends on how you've configured your workflows. Typically, triggers run instantly whenever possible; however, some actions may depend on periodic polling schedules depending on API capabilities.
Connect Google Ads and Mailchimp to unlock the power of automation
With Zapier's 7,000 integrations, you can unify your tools within a connected system to improve your team's efficiency and deepen their impact.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- New Campaign
Triggers whenever a new campaign is created in Google Ads.
Try It - MainAccountIdRequired
- Managed Account
- Customer ListRequired
- EmailRequired
- Message
- NameRequired
- Description
- Message
- MainAccountIdRequired
- Managed Account
- Customer ListRequired
- Customer_identifierRequired
- Message
- MainAccountIdRequired
- Managed Account
- Lead FormRequired
Try It- MainAccountIdRequired
- Managed Account
- Customer ListRequired
- Customer_identifierRequired
- Message
- MainAccountIdRequired
- Managed Account
- ResourceRequired
- Dates to IncludeRequired
- Limit
- Double_opt_message
- MainAccountIdRequired
- Managed Account
- Multiple_identifier_note
- Conversion User Identifier SourceRequired
- NameRequired
- TimestampRequired
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