Google Chat + Novo

Send new Novo transactions as messages in Google Chat

Stay informed about your business finances with this efficient workflow between Novo and Google Chat. Whenever a new transaction occurs in your Novo account, a message will be sent directly to a designated Google Chat room, keeping your team up-to-date on financial activity. This seamless integration ensures that you never miss an important transaction, enabling faster decision-making and better financial management.

Stay informed about your business finances with this efficient workflow between Novo and Google Chat. Whenever a new transaction occurs in your Novo account, a message will be sent directly to a designated Google Chat room, keeping your team up-to-date on financial activity. This seamless integration ensures that you never miss an important transaction, enabling faster decision-making and better financial management.

  1. When this happens...
    New Transaction

    Trigger when a new transaction is added.

  2. automatically do this!
    Google ChatGoogle Chat
    Create Message

    Create a message in Hangouts Chat.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

    • Hangouts Chat RoomRequired

    • Message TitleRequired

    • Message Image URL

    • Message Subtitle

    • Message TextRequired

    • Action Button Text

    • Action Button URL

google-chat logo
google-chat logo

About Google Chat

Google Chat is a communication software developed by Google built for teams that provides direct messages and team chat rooms, along with a group messaging function that allows Google Drive content sharing.

Related categories

  • Google
  • Team Chat

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About Novo

Novo provides small businesses a better, more connected business bank account.

Related categories

  • Accounting