
Google Contacts + Omnify

Add new Omnify bookings to Google Contacts as contacts

Your Omnify service store is a great way to get leads and clients by selling services online. With Zapier, you can automatically add your new Omnify clients as contacts to Google Contacts automatically. This will ensure that you can reach out to each one anytime you want. You can also catalogue your clients, add them to lists, and even filter incoming emails by your clients into various folders once they are added as Google Contacts.

Your Omnify service store is a great way to get leads and clients by selling services online. With Zapier, you can automatically add your new Omnify clients as contacts to Google Contacts automatically. This will ensure that you can reach out to each one anytime you want. You can also catalogue your clients, add them to lists, and even filter incoming emails by your clients into various folders once they are added as Google Contacts.

  1. When this happens...
    New Booking

    Triggers when a new booking is made.

  2. automatically do this!
    Google ContactsGoogle Contacts
    Create Contact

    Triggers when a contact is created or updated.

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Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
    • BusinessRequired

    Try It
    • BusinessRequired

    Try It
    • BusinessRequired

    Try It
    • BusinessRequired

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About Google Contacts

Google Contacts, the address book built into Gmail, lets you keep track of all your contacts, see when you last interacted with them, and more.
Learn moreHelp

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About Omnify

Omnify is a scheduling & business management platform which enables you to sell various services from a single platform.

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