Google Sheets + OneLocal LocalMessages

Add new Google Sheets spreadsheet rows for new LocalMessages Opt-Outs

If you are sending marketing messages to your customers you have to be very careful not to message those who have opted out. This Zapier integration helps you keep track of your opt out list by adding a new Google Sheets spreadsheet row when a phone number is opted out through LocalMessages. You no longer have to worry about spamming your customers!

If you are sending marketing messages to your customers you have to be very careful not to message those who have opted out. This Zapier integration helps you keep track of your opt out list by adding a new Google Sheets spreadsheet row when a phone number is opted out through LocalMessages. You no longer have to worry about spamming your customers!

  1. When this happens...
    OneLocal LocalMessagesOneLocal LocalMessages
    Phone Number Opt-Out

    Triggers when a phone number is opted out of receiving messages.

  2. automatically do this!
    Google SheetsGoogle Sheets
    Create Spreadsheet Row

    Create a new row in a specific spreadsheet.

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Supported triggers and actions

  • OneLocal LocalMessages triggers, actions, and search

    Conversation Closed

    Triggers when a conversation is closed.

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  • OneLocal LocalMessages triggers, actions, and search

    Conversation Tag Added

    Triggers when a conversation tag is added to the conversation.

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  • OneLocal LocalMessages triggers, actions, and search

    Incoming Phone Call

    Triggers when an incoming call is answered or missed.

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  • OneLocal LocalMessages triggers, actions, and search

    Phone Number Opt-In

    Triggers when a phone number is opted in to receive messaging.

    Try It
  • OneLocal LocalMessages triggers, actions, and search

    Conversation Opened

    Triggers when a conversation is opened.

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  • OneLocal LocalMessages triggers, actions, and search

    Conversation Tag Removed

    Triggers when a conversation tag is removed from the conversation.

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    • Message TypeRequired

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  • OneLocal LocalMessages triggers, actions, and search

    Phone Number Opt-Out

    Triggers when a phone number is opted out of receiving messages.

    Try It
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About Google Sheets

Create, edit, and share spreadsheets wherever you are with Google Sheets, and get automated insights from your data.

Related categories

  • Google
  • Spreadsheets

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onelocal-localmessages logo

About OneLocal LocalMessages

LocalMessages by OneLocal allows you to integrate text messaging into your customer communications to increase response rates, reduce on-hold times and deliver a better overall customer experience. LocalMessages seamlessly connects with OneLocal's full product suite.

Related categories

  • Phone & SMS