Create multiple spreadsheet rows in Google Sheets for new commerce actions in SOLAPI
Boost your productivity in real time whenever new commerce actions occur within the SOLAPI platform. This automated workflow seamlessly populates the results into multiple rows of your desired Google Sheets document, saving you time and allowing for organized data management. Manage your data effectively and ensure you never miss a crucial commerce event again with this ingenious automation.
Boost your productivity in real time whenever new commerce actions occur within the SOLAPI platform. This automated workflow seamlessly populates the results into multiple rows of your desired Google Sheets document, saving you time and allowing for organized data management. Manage your data effectively and ensure you never miss a crucial commerce event again with this ingenious automation.
- When this happens...New Commerce Action
The trigger fires when a new commerce action occurs. (Example: completed payment, etc.) | 새로운 커머스 액션 발생 시 (예시: 결제 완료 등)
- automatically do this!Create Multiple Spreadsheet Rows
Create one or more new rows in a specific spreadsheet (with line item support).
- Free forever for core features
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New Group Report
After requesting to send the message, all processing of the message group is complete. | 메시지 그룹 내 모든 메시지들의 처리가 완료되었을 때 실행됩니다.
Try ItCommerce Hook | 커머스 자동화Required
Try ItKakao Channel ID (PFID) | 카카오 채널 ID (PFID)Required
Kakao Template ID | 알림톡 템플릿 IDRequired
Recipient number | 수신번호Required
Country code | 수신자 국가코드
Sender number | 문자 대체발송 발신번호
Recipient number | 수신번호Required
Sender number | 발신번호Required
Contents | 문자 내용Required
Subject | 문자 제목 (입력 시 LMS로 발송)
MMS Image ID | MMS 이미지 ID
Splitting when over max contents length | 최대 길이 초과 시 나누어 보내기
Country Code | 수신자 국가코드
Result | 메시지 결과Required
MessageType | 특정 메시지 종류와 일치
From | 특정 발신번호 (숫자만)
To | 특정 수신번호 (숫자만)
Kakao Channel ID | 특정 카카오 채널 ID
Kakao Template ID | 특정 알림톡 템플릿 ID
Try ItAddress Book Folder ID | 주소록 폴더 IDRequired
Phone Number | 추가할 전화번호Required
Name | 이름
Recipient number | 수신번호Required
Kakao Channel ID (PFID) | 카카오 채널 ID (PFID)Required
Contents | 친구톡 내용Required
Sender number | 문자 대체발송 발신번호
Country Code | 수신자 국가코드
AD | 광고 여부
Image ID | 이미지 ID
Buttons | 친구톡 버튼
Request URLRequired
HTTP Request MethodRequired
Body Parameters (JSON Format String)