Google Sheets + Stripe

Create a Google Sheets row at top for every canceled Stripe subscription

Manage your Stripe canceled subscriptions efficiently by updating a spreadsheet in Google Sheets promptly. This workflow initiates when a subscription is canceled in Stripe, resulting in an immediate new row creation at the top of your chosen Google Sheets document. Simplify your administrative tasks and keep your data up-to-date with this seamless automation.

Manage your Stripe canceled subscriptions efficiently by updating a spreadsheet in Google Sheets promptly. This workflow initiates when a subscription is canceled in Stripe, resulting in an immediate new row creation at the top of your chosen Google Sheets document. Simplify your administrative tasks and keep your data up-to-date with this seamless automation.

  1. When this happens...
    Canceled Subscription

    Triggers when a subscription is canceled (by a subscriber or due to end of billing period).

  2. automatically do this!
    Google SheetsGoogle Sheets
    Create Spreadsheet Row at Top

    Creates a new spreadsheet row at the top of a spreadsheet (after the header row).

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Supported triggers and actions

  • Stripe triggers, actions, and search

    Canceled Subscription

    Triggers when a subscription is canceled (by a subscriber or due to end of billing period).

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  • Stripe triggers, actions, and search

    Failed Payment

    Triggers when a payment attempt fails.

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    • Ignore payments intentsRequired

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  • Stripe triggers, actions, and search

    New Dispute

    Triggers when a customer disputes a charge.

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  • Stripe triggers, actions, and search

    Checkout Session Completed

    Triggers when a checkout session is completed.

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  • Stripe triggers, actions, and search

    Invoice Payment Failed

    Triggers when an invoice payment fails.

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  • Stripe triggers, actions, and search

    New Customer

    Triggers when a new customer is added.

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  • Stripe triggers, actions, and search

    New Subscription

    Triggers when a customer is signed up for a new plan.

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About Google Sheets

Create, edit, and share spreadsheets wherever you are with Google Sheets, and get automated insights from your data.

Related categories

  • Google
  • Spreadsheets

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About Stripe

Stripe is a developer-friendly way to accept payments online and in mobile apps. Stripe's suite of APIs powers commerce for thousands of companies of all sizes, processing billions of dollars for businesses each year.
Learn more

Related categories

  • Payment Processing