Growth Hound + Sympla

Increment Growth Hound counter when a new attendee is created in Sympla

When a new attendee is created in Sympla, this will increment a counter in Growth Hound to keep track of new attendee growth over time. This allows a user to understand the growth of new attendees so that users can take action to improve new attendee growth over time.

When a new attendee is created in Sympla, this will increment a counter in Growth Hound to keep track of new attendee growth over time. This allows a user to understand the growth of new attendees so that users can take action to improve new attendee growth over time.

  1. When this happens...
    New Attendee

    Triggers when a new attendee is generated with a new approved order inside an event of your Sympla account.

  2. automatically do this!
    Growth HoundGrowth Hound
    Increment Counter

    Increment a specific metric by 1 every time this action happens.

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Supported triggers and actions

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About Growth Hound

Growth Hound is a growth management intelligence tool to organize, implement, and measure your growth process and build your growth engine.

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  • Marketing
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About Sympla

Sympla is a platform for events that provides solutions to manage each step of their lifetime.
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Related categories

  • Event Management