End subscriptions in Plug&Pay and instantly revoke access to offers in Kajabi
Easily manage your access permissions with this streamlined workflow. When a subscription ends in Plug&Pay, it instantly revokes access to a specific offer in Kajabi. This automation helps in maintaining secure access control and avoids giving unnecessary access to ended subscriptions, saving you time and effort.
Easily manage your access permissions with this streamlined workflow. When a subscription ends in Plug&Pay, it instantly revokes access to a specific offer in Kajabi. This automation helps in maintaining secure access control and avoids giving unnecessary access to ended subscriptions, saving you time and effort.
- When this happens...Subscription Ended
Triggers when a subscription ended.
- automatically do this!Revoke Access to an Offer
Revokes access to an offer from the specified member.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps