Revoke access to Kajabi offers when recurring payments are completed in ThriveCart
Stay abreast of your subscriptions with this efficient workflow. When a recurring payment gets completed in ThriveCart, this process promptly updates the corresponding offer status in Kajabi. It ensures seamless management of your user access, instantly aligning it with payment status. This simple solution is perfect for streamlining payment processes and offer access between ThriveCart and Kajabi.
Stay abreast of your subscriptions with this efficient workflow. When a recurring payment gets completed in ThriveCart, this process promptly updates the corresponding offer status in Kajabi. It ensures seamless management of your user access, instantly aligning it with payment status. This simple solution is perfect for streamlining payment processes and offer access between ThriveCart and Kajabi.
- When this happens...Recurring Payments Completed
Triggers when a subscription or a split pay is completed and all payments have been made successfully.
- automatically do this!Revoke Access to an Offer
Revokes access to an offer from the specified member.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps