Integrate Kajabi with Typeform to automate your work
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate Kajabi with Typeform - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Kajabi + Typeform integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with Kajabi and Typeform
How do I set up the integration between Kajabi and Typeform?
To integrate Kajabi with Typeform, you'll need to use our platform to connect both applications. Start by creating a ZAP where Typeform submission triggers an action in Kajabi. Choose Typeform as the trigger app and specify 'New Entry' as the event. Then, add Kajabi as the action app and select an action like 'Create New Contact.' Follow the prompts to authenticate your accounts and map the respective fields.
What triggers are available for Kajabi in this integration?
In our platform's integration with Typeform, Kajabi supports triggers such as 'New Purchase,' 'New Subscription,' and 'New Form Submission.' These allow you to automatically initiate actions in response to specific events in your Kajabi account.
What kind of actions can be automated in Kajabi using Typeform responses?
When integrating with Typeform, you can automate actions like creating a new contact, enrolling a user in a course, or tagging contacts based on their form responses. These actions make it easier to manage leads and subscribers based on how they interact with your Typeforms.
Are there specific data fields I need to map when setting up the integration?
Yes, during the setup of the integration, you'll need to map data fields from Typeform submissions to corresponding fields in Kajabi. This typically includes email addresses, names, any custom tags you want applied, and other relevant information depending on what trigger-action combination you've selected.
Can I create automated workflows that enroll users into courses from Typeform submissions?
Absolutely! You can set up workflows where a new entry on a specific Typeform automatically enrolls a user into a designated course on Kajabi. Ensure you select 'Enroll User in Course' as an action while configuring your ZAP after picking the appropriate trigger from Typeform.
How do I troubleshoot if my integration isn't working correctly?
If encounters issues with your integration between Kajabi and Typeform via our platform occur, first check if both accounts are properly authenticated within your ZAP settings. Also ensure that all mapped fields exist and that you're using active triggers/actions. Review logs for any error messages which can guide further corrections.
What are some common uses for integrating Kajabi with Typeform?
Commonly, users integrate these platforms for seamless lead capturing and follow-up processes—like saving new contacts from survey responses directly into Kajabi or enrolling interested responders into courses automatically—thus unified communication maintains across platforms efficiently.
Connect Kajabi and Typeform to unlock the power of automation
With Zapier's 7,000 integrations, you can unify your tools within a connected system to improve your team's efficiency and deepen their impact.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.