
Kickbox + Ontraport

Verify emails for new Ontraport contacts using Kickbox

Verify emails for new Ontraport contacts using Kickbox verification of email addresses automatically. Kickbox can identify undeliverable and low quality email addresses (such as typos, disposable, fake, and more). Use this information to enhance your Ontraport contact database, and only send emails to real people with real, valid, email addresses.

Verify emails for new Ontraport contacts using Kickbox verification of email addresses automatically. Kickbox can identify undeliverable and low quality email addresses (such as typos, disposable, fake, and more). Use this information to enhance your Ontraport contact database, and only send emails to real people with real, valid, email addresses.

  1. When this happens...
    New Contact

    Triggers when a new contact is added to Ontraport.

  2. automatically do this!
    Verify Email Address

    Verifies the provided email address to identify whether the address is deliverable, undeliverable, or risky. Learn more about email verification results here.

Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
  • Ontraport triggers, actions, and search

    New Contact

    Triggers when a new contact is added to Ontraport.

    Try It
    • Product IdRequired

    Try It
    • Product IdRequired

    Try It
    • Email

    • Last Name

    • First Name

    • Address

    • City

    • State

    • Zip Code

    • Address Line 2

    • Country

    • Office Phone

    • SMS Number

    • Birthday

    • Title

    • Fax

    • Website

    • Company

    • First Campaign

    • First Content

    • First Lead Source

    • First Medium

    • First Term

    • Last Campaign

    • Last Content

    • Last Lead Source

    • Last Medium

    • Last Term

    • Facebook

    • Instagram

    • Twitter

    • Linkedin

    • Profile Image

    • Sequence

    • Tag

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About Kickbox

Kickbox is an email verification platform that can help identify deliverable, invalid, or otherwise risky email addresses. Using Kickbox you can ensure you only ever send emails to real addresses - reduce bounce rates and improve inbox placement.

Related categories

  • Email
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About Ontraport

An all-in-one business and marketing platform designed for information marketers, experts, and coaches.

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