Send Slack channel messages for new Knowify service jobs
Send Slack channel messages for new Knowify service jobs with this integration. Now, you can keep stakeholders in the know about all the service jobs that are coming in as leads.
Send Slack channel messages for new Knowify service jobs with this integration. Now, you can keep stakeholders in the know about all the service jobs that are coming in as leads.
- When this happens...New Service Job
Triggers when a new service job has been added.
TriggerPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free plan - automatically do this!Send Channel Message
Triggers when a new message is posted to a specific #channel you choose.
ActionWriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
New AIA Invoice
Triggers when a new AIA invoice has been added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Bill
Triggers when a new bill has been added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planBill Sent for Approval
Triggers when a bill is sent for approval.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Client
Triggers when a new client has been added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planContract Out for Signature
Triggers when a contract job has been sent out for signature.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Invoice Payment
Triggers when a new invoice payment is added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planPhase Status Changed
Triggers when a phase status is changed
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Contract Job
Triggers when a new contract job has been added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planJob Reopened
Triggers when a contract job has been reopened
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planSubmittal Approved
Triggers when a submittal has been approved.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planTask Marked Complete
Triggers when a task has been marked complete
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planService Job Marked Complete
Triggers when a service job has been marked complete.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planJob NameRequired
Client NameRequired
Country (2-letter abbreviation)Required
Contract Value
Line Item Name
Phase Name
Invoiced to Date
Labor Cost to Date
Material Cost to Date
Sub Cost to Date
Payments to Date
Labor Budget
Material Budget
Sub Budget
Sales Lead
Project Manager
Job notes
Sync to QB
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.ProductRequired
Item NameRequired
Our CostRequired
Sale PriceRequired
Item Number
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.FileNameRequired
Project IdRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Job NameRequired
Client NameRequired
Service Notes
Address 2Required
State/Province (2-letter abbreviation)Required
Country (2-letter abbreviation)Required
Is Time & Materials?Required
Start Time
End Time
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.ProductRequired
Item NameRequired
Our CostRequired
Sale PriceRequired
Item Number
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Client NameRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appNameRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appProject IdRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appDescriptionRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appUser IdRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appTrigger for Bot Messages?
Optimized data
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.ChannelRequired
Trigger for Bot Messages?
Optimized data
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Channel
User Name
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Search QueryRequired
Optimized data
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planZap Identifier
Access type
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.New Saved Message
Triggers when you save a message.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.TextRequired
Remind when?Required
Remind who?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.ChannelRequired
Add Zapier app to channel automatically?
Message TextRequired
Send as a bot?
Bot Name
Bot Icon
Include a link to this Zap?
Attach Image by URL
Auto-Expand Links?
Link Usernames and Channel Names?
Schedule At
Send Channel Message?
Zap Id
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Channel NameRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.ChannelRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Status Text
Status Emoji
Expiration Time
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Delete Message
This action deletes an existing message in a specific channel on Slack. You need to provide the channel ID and the message timestamp as inputs.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Remove User from Channel
This action removes a specified user from a specified channel in Slack.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Find Public Channel
This action will find a public channel in Slack using either the channel's ID or name.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Get Message by Timestamp
This action retrieves a specific message from a conversation history in Slack using the message's timestamp.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.EmailRequired
Return Raw Results?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appFull NameRequired
Return Raw Results?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app
New Allocation
Triggers when a new allocation has been added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Bill Payment
Triggers when a new bill payment is added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planChange Order Made Active
Triggers when a change order has been made active.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planContract Job Made Active
Triggers when a contract job has been made active.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Invoice
Triggers when a new invoice has been added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Payment
Triggers when a new payment is added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Product
Triggers when a new trigger has been added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planJob Closed
Triggers when a contract job has been closed
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Purchase
Triggers when a new purchase has been added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Task
Triggers when a new task has been added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Service Job
Triggers when a new service job has been added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planNew Vendor
Triggers when a new vendor has been added.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planClient NameRequired
Client Contact Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Client Parent Id
Street Address
Street Address (Continued)
City Name
Zip Code
Country Name
Shipping Same as Billing
Shipping Street Address
Shipping Street Address (Cont'd)
Shipping City Name
Shipping Contact Name
Shipping Country Name
Shipping State/Province Name
Shipping Zip Code
Sync to QB
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Job NameRequired
Job Costing Style
Contract TypeRequired
Client NameRequired
Sales Lead
Project Manager
Job notes
Country (2 characters)
Sync to QB
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.DescriptionRequired
Task Complete?
Date Completed
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Vendor NameRequired
Street Address
Street Address (Continued)
City Name
Client Contact Name
Country Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Is this vendor a subcontractor?
Other Details
Zip Code
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.TaskRequired
Task Complete?
Date Completed
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Client IdRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appJob NameRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appDescriptionRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appNameRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appVendor IdRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appNew Channel
Triggers when a new #channel is created.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Username
Highlight Word
Trigger for Bot Messages?
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.ChannelRequired
Trigger for Bot Messages?
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.New User
Triggers when a new Slack user is created / first joins your org.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.ChannelRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Send Multi Message
Message TextRequired
Send as a bot?
Include a link to this Zap?
Attach Image by URL
Auto-Expand Links?
Link Usernames and Channel Names?
Schedule At
Zap Id
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.ChannelRequired
Add Zapier app to channel automatically?
Message TextRequired
Send as a bot?
Bot Name
Bot Icon
Include a link to this Zap?
Attach Image by URL
Auto-Expand Links?
Link Usernames and Channel Names?
Schedule At
Zap Id
Send Channel Message?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.First Name
Last Name
Display Name
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Api Docs Info
Stop on errorRequired
HTTP MethodRequired
Query string parameters
Additional request headers
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Retrieve Thread Messages
This action retrieves all the messages sent to a specific thread in a selected channel.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Create Private Channel
This action creates a private channel in Slack.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Edit Message
This action updates a specific message sent by the same Authenticated user on Slack. You need to provide the Channel ID, the Timestamp of the message to be edited, and the new text for the message.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Search QueryRequired
Sort By
Sort Direction
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appIDRequired
Return Raw Results?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appUsernameRequired
Return Raw Results?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app