How to connect Google Contacts + Ko-fi + Mailchimp
Zapier lets you send info between Google Contacts and Ko-fi and Mailchimp automatically—no code required. With 7,000+ supported apps, the possibilities are endless.
Choose a Trigger
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Start here![arrow pointing down](
Choose an Action
Choose an Action
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Do even more with Google Contacts + Ko-fi + Mailchimp
With Zapier, you can do more than just connect your apps - you can automate entire processes from beginning to end! Check out the following list of triggers and actions you can use with Google Contacts, Ko-fi, and Mailchimp. And don’t forget that you can add more apps and actions to create complex workflows.
New or Updated Contact
Triggers when a contact is created or updated.
Try ItNew Contact
Triggers when a contact is created.
Try ItCreate Contact
Creates a new contact.
New Group
Triggers when a group is created.
Try ItContactRequired
Phone Number
Additional Phone Numbers
Join millions worldwide who automate their work using Zapier
How Google Contacts + Ko-fi + Mailchimp Integrations Work
- Step 1: Authenticate Google Contacts, Ko-fi, and Mailchimp.30 seconds
- Step 2: Pick one of the apps as a trigger, which will kick off your automation.15 seconds
- Step 3: Choose a resulting action from the other app.15 seconds
- Step 4: Select the data you want to send from one app to the other.2 minutes
- That’s it! More time to work on other things.