Leadferno + Shopify + Formatter by Zapier

Find or create contacts in Leadferno for new paid orders in Shopify

If you keep track of customers from Shopify in Leadferno, then this Zapier template will save you time. Every time a new paid order is placed in Shopify, this template will search for a contact in Leadferno with the customer's information. If a contact doesn't exist yet, it will be created. Now you don't have to worry about keeping track of Shopify customers in Leadferno.

If you keep track of customers from Shopify in Leadferno, then this Zapier template will save you time. Every time a new paid order is placed in Shopify, this template will search for a contact in Leadferno with the customer's information. If a contact doesn't exist yet, it will be created. Now you don't have to worry about keeping track of Shopify customers in Leadferno.

  1. When this happens...
    New Paid Order

    Triggers when an order is paid (with line item support).

  2. automatically do this...
    Formatter by ZapierFormatter by Zapier

    Work with numeric data to do math operations, reformat currencies, and more (with line-item support).

  3. then do this!
    Find Contact

    Find a contact by cellphone or email address. Warning: This is an inclusive search - if both values are provided and only one matches, we will return the contact. This could mean your follow on actions send messages etc to a contact with a different email or phone number than what was provided in the search query. Use 'Update Contact' as a follow on action if this is a concern.

Start free with email
Start free with email
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Supported triggers and actions

  • Shopify triggers, actions, and search

    New Blog

    Triggers when a new blog is added to your Shopify store.

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  • Shopify triggers, actions, and search

    New Customer

    Triggers when a new customer is added to your Shopify account.

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    • Risk Level

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  • Shopify triggers, actions, and search

    New Cancelled Order

    Triggers whenever an order is cancelled (with line item support).

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    • BlogRequired

    • Blog Entry Status

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  • Shopify triggers, actions, and search

    Customer Account Enabled

    Triggers when a customer account is enabled.

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    • Abandoned Cart Age (Hours)Required

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  • Shopify triggers, actions, and search

    New Draft Order

    Triggers when a new draft order is created

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About Leadferno

Text with customers right from your website using a powerful messaging inbox – so your team can increase conversions, close leads faster and delight your customers.

Related categories

  • Communication
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About Shopify

Shopify is a simple way to create an online store to list products, collect credit card payments, and ship your goods.
Learn more

Related categories

  • eCommerce
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formatter logo

About Formatter by Zapier

Data isn't always in the format you need. Perhaps a date is in International format, but your app needs it in American format. Or maybe you need to Title Case a subject, truncate text for a Tweet, or turn Markdown text into HTML for your blog. Zapier's Formatter tool can help.
Learn more

Related categories

  • Documents
  • Zapier