Create LinkedIn company updates from new items in your RSS by Zapier feed
Keep your LinkedIn network updated with the latest news as it happens. With this workflow, whenever there's a new item in your RSS feed, a new company update will be posted on LinkedIn. It's an excellent way to ensure your professional connections are always in the loop about the latest industry news or events, enhancing your brand's engagement and visibility.
Keep your LinkedIn network updated with the latest news as it happens. With this workflow, whenever there's a new item in your RSS feed, a new company update will be posted on LinkedIn. It's an excellent way to ensure your professional connections are always in the loop about the latest industry news or events, enhancing your brand's engagement and visibility.
- When this happens...New Item in Feed
Triggers when a new RSS feed item is published.
- automatically do this!Create Company Update
Creates a new update for a Company Page.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
Feed URLsRequired
What Triggers a New Feed Item?
Try ItFeed Title
Max Records
Item TitleRequired
Source URLRequired
Automatically Truncate Messages over 10KB?
Author Name
Author Email
Author Link
Media URL
Media MIME Type
Media Length in Bytes
Feed URLRequired
What Triggers a New Feed Item?
Try ItLinkedIn Company PageRequired
Update ContentRequired
Allow Mentions in content?
Preview - URL
Preview - Thumbnail Image
Preview - Title
Preview - Description
Api Docs Info
Stop on errorRequired
HTTP MethodRequired
Query string parameters
Additional request headers