Add new email addresses submitted through Typeform and validated in Verifalia to MailerLite
Easily make sure that the email addresses for submissions made in your Typeform account are valid with Verifalia. For every new submission in Typeform, Verifalia will automatically start the verification process to determine if the email address is valid. After that, only valid and deliverable email addresses will be subscribed to your MailerLite group.
Easily make sure that the email addresses for submissions made in your Typeform account are valid with Verifalia. For every new submission in Typeform, Verifalia will automatically start the verification process to determine if the email address is valid. After that, only valid and deliverable email addresses will be subscribed to your MailerLite group.
- When this happens...New Entry
Triggers when a form is submitted.
- automatically do this...Verify Email Address
Verifies a single email address and checks if it is properly formatted, really exists and can accept mails, if it is a free or a business mail, flagging spam traps, role accounts, disposable and catch-all addresses - and much more.
- then do this...Only continue if...
Set up rules to specify when this Zap can continue running.
- then do this!Create/Update Subscriber
Creates a new subscriber or updates the existing by email address.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
Try ItForm To DuplicateRequired
Choose Workspace To Duplicate This Form In (Leave blank to duplicate in same workspace)
Title of Your Duplicate Form (leave blank for same title)
HTTP MethodRequired
Query String Parameters
Additional Request Headers
Job IDRequired
title of your formRequired
Choose Workspace To Create This Form In, leave it blank for default workspace
Form To Update Question inRequired
Please provide list of choices
responses submitted since the specified date and time.
responses submitted until the specified date and time.
search for responses that include the specified string.
search for responses that are complete.
maximum number of responses to fetch (default: 25, max: 1000)
Email Address to VerifyRequired
Expected Result Quality Level
Data Retention Period