Integrate Mollie with Google Forms to automate your work
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate Mollie with Google Forms - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
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6 mins
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Frequently Asked Questions about Mollie + Google Forms integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with Mollie and Google Forms
How do I integrate Google Forms with Mollie?
To integrate Google Forms with Mollie, you can use our platform to set up a workflow. First, create a new zap and select Google Forms as the trigger app. Choose 'New Response in Spreadsheet' as the event that triggers this workflow. Then, for the action app, select Mollie and choose an action like 'Create Payment'. Connect both apps to Zapier, configure the required fields, and test the integration.
What triggers are available for Google Forms in Mollie integrations?
For integrating Google Forms with Mollie using our platform, you can use triggers like 'New Response In Spreadsheet'. This trigger fires whenever there is a new form response submitted and subsequently recorded in your linked spreadsheet.
What actions can be performed in Mollie when integrated with Google Forms?
When integrating with Google Forms, you can perform actions such as 'Create Payment' or 'Create Customer' within Mollie. Our system will execute these actions based on the incoming data from your Google Form responses.
Is it possible to create a payment link using data from Google Forms?
Yes, by integrating Google Forms responses through our platform, you can automatically generate payment links in Mollie. Use a trigger like 'New Response In Spreadsheet' from your form and link it to the 'Create Payment Link' action in Mollie.
Can I send email notifications after processing a payment through this integration?
Absolutely! Once a form response triggers an action in Mollie (like processing a payment), you can use our platform to set up additional actions such as sending email notifications through another app like Gmail or Mailchimp.
How do I handle failed payments from responses captured via Google Forms?
In case of failed payments processed via an integration, set up an error handling workflow on our platform that could notify administrators instantly. This could include automatically sending alert emails or updating logs to handle such scenarios effectively.
Can I customize the fields that are sent from my Google Form to Mollie?
Yes, during the setup process on our platform, you'll be able to map fields from your Google Form into corresponding fields required by Mollie's actions. This ensures that only relevant data is transferred over.
Connect Mollie and Google Forms to unlock the power of automation
With Zapier's 7,000 integrations, you can unify your tools within a connected system to improve your team's efficiency and deepen their impact.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- Live ModeRequired
Try It- Live ModeRequired
- Profile ID
Try It- Live ModeRequired
Try It- New Settlement
Triggers when a new settlement has been created.
Try It
- New Invoice
Triggers when a new invoice has been created.
Try It - Live ModeRequired
- Profile ID
Try It- Live ModeRequired
- Profile ID
Try It- Live ModeRequired
- Profile ID
- AmountCurrencyRequired
- AmountValueRequired
- Redirect URLRequired
- Webhook URL
- Expires At
- LocaleRequired
- Payment Method
- OrderNumberRequired
- BillingAddressOrganizationName
- BillingAddressTitle
- BillingAddressGivenNameRequired
- BillingAddressFamilyNameRequired
- BillingAddressEmailRequired
- BillingAddressStreetAndNumberRequired
- BillingAddressPostalCodeRequired
- BillingAddressCityRequired
- BillingAddressCountryRequired
- Type
- Category
- NameRequired
- QuantityRequired
- TotalAmountCurrencyRequired
- TotalAmountValueRequired
- UnitPriceCurrencyRequired
- UnitPriceValueRequired
- DiscountCurrency
- DiscountValue
- VatRateRequired
- VatAmountCurrencyRequired
- VatAmountValueRequired
- Sku
- ImageUrl
- ProductUrl