MySQL + Sperant

Create new Sperant clients from new or updated MySQL rows

Keep your MySQL database and Sperant client list in sync with this convenient workflow. When a new row is added or updated in MySQL, a client will be created instantly in the Sperant app. This automation not only saves you from manual data entry but also ensures you always have up-to-date clients in your Sperant list.

Keep your MySQL database and Sperant client list in sync with this convenient workflow. When a new row is added or updated in MySQL, a client will be created instantly in the Sperant app. This automation not only saves you from manual data entry but also ensures you always have up-to-date clients in your Sperant list.

  1. When this happens...
    New or Updated Row

    Triggers when a new row is added or modified.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Client / Crear Cliente

    Create a client in Sperant with the submitted values / Creará un cliente en el sistema Sperant con los datos enviados.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

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mysql logo

About MySQL

MySQL is a premier database used in millions of production environments around the world. Easily plug your MySQL database into any web service.
Learn more

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About Sperant

Sperant is a complete software that covers the lead lifecycle: lead creation, sale, and post-sale. / Somos un Software completo que va desde la captación de un Lead hasta la post-venta.

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