Enroll students in OnlineCourseHost.com when new payments are captured in Razorpay
This Zapier template allows you to enroll students in OnlineCourseHost.com when they make new payments in Razorpay.
This Zapier template allows you to enroll students in OnlineCourseHost.com when they make new payments in Razorpay.
- When this happens...Payment Captured
Triggers when a new payment is successfully captured.
- automatically do this!Enroll Student
Enrolls and assigns a course to a new student.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
Invoice Paid
Triggers when an invoice is fully paid.
Try ItPayment Captured
Triggers when a new payment is successfully captured.
Try ItPayment Link Paid
Triggers when a Payment Link is paid.
Try ItPayment PageRequired
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Invoice Partially Paid
Triggers when a partial payment is made against an invoice.
Try ItPayment Failed
Triggers when a new payment fails.
Try ItPayment Link Partially Paid
Triggers when a partial payment is made on a Standard Payment Link.
Try ItCourse Enrollment
Triggers when a student enrolls in a single course.
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