Podio + Space by Zapier

Create new items in Podio whenever there are new launches in Space by Zapier

Stay updated with the latest happenings in the cosmos with this workflow. When there's a new launch in the Space by Zapier app, a new item will be instantly created in your Podio app. This helps you keep track of all the new space missions in a systematic and organized manner, saving you the trouble of manual entry, and ensuring you never miss out on a space expedition.

Stay updated with the latest happenings in the cosmos with this workflow. When there's a new launch in the Space by Zapier app, a new item will be instantly created in your Podio app. This helps you keep track of all the new space missions in a systematic and organized manner, saving you the trouble of manual entry, and ensuring you never miss out on a space expedition.

  1. When this happens...
    Space by ZapierSpace by Zapier
    New Launch

    Triggers when a new launch is scheduled.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Item

    Triggers when you add a new item, record or entry to an app (standard or custom).

Start free with email
Start free with email
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  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

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About Podio

Podio is a collaborative work platform that's perfect for managing projects, teams, and anything else in your business that needs flexible apps that work the way you do.
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space-by-zapier logo
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About Space by Zapier

Space is an experiment that helps you stay up to date on the latest space launches.

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  • Event Management