Enroll Quaderno customers to TalentLMS courses
Looking to add sales tax (VAT, GST, US sales tax) on top of your prices on TalentLMS? Quaderno can help. Once this integration is enabled, Zapier will automatically grant your customers access to TalentLMS courses whenever you charge them via Quaderno.
Looking to add sales tax (VAT, GST, US sales tax) on top of your prices on TalentLMS? Quaderno can help. Once this integration is enabled, Zapier will automatically grant your customers access to TalentLMS courses whenever you charge them via Quaderno.
- When this happens...Successful Checkout
Triggers when a checkout flow has finished successfully.
- automatically do this!Add User to Course
Add a TalentLMS user to a TalentLMS course.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
Abandoned Checkout
Triggers when a checkout has been abandoned.
Try ItDeclined Estimate
Triggers when an estimate is accepted.
Try ItNew Contact
Triggers when a contact is created in Quaderno.
Try ItNew Estimate
Triggers when a Quaderno estimate is created.
Try It
Accepted Estimate
Triggers when an estimate is accepted.
Try ItFailed Checkout
Triggers when a checkout fails due to a card or a payment gateway error (ie: insufficient funds).
Try ItNew Refund
Triggers when a Quaderno credit note is created.
Try ItNew Invoice
Triggers when a Quaderno invoice is created.
Try It