Send emails with SendGrid when new payments are received in TillyPay
Keep track of every new payment received through TillyPay by setting up an email notification system using SendGrid. This automated workflow will send a customized email through SendGrid as soon as a new payment is registered in TillyPay. It's an ideal solution for businesses looking to streamline their payment notification process, saving you time and ensuring you're always up-to-date with your financial transactions.
Keep track of every new payment received through TillyPay by setting up an email notification system using SendGrid. This automated workflow will send a customized email through SendGrid as soon as a new payment is registered in TillyPay. It's an ideal solution for businesses looking to streamline their payment notification process, saving you time and ensuring you're always up-to-date with your financial transactions.
- When this happens...New Payment
Triggers when you receive a new payment from someone.
- automatically do this!Send Email
Send an email to one or more recipients.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
Only trigger for the given link(s)
Try ItPayment status
Only trigger for the given payment link path
Type of payment link
Try ItApi Docs Info
Apply standard error handling?Required
HTTP MethodRequired
Query String Parameters
Additional Request Headers
Find List by Name
This action searches for a specific list in SendGrid using the list name as an input and outputs the information of the list that matches the input name.
Only trigger for the given link(s)
Try ItToRequired
From Name
Reply To
Create or Update Contact
This action allows you to add or update a Contact in SendGrid. You can use this action to add the contact to the list.