Send new Stax payment information in Slack
Many payments are processed online in a day, and they can be easy to miss. Receive a notification in Slack the moment a payment has been received in Stax's Omni platform so you and your team are aware of a payment as soon as it is comes in.
Many payments are processed online in a day, and they can be easy to miss. Receive a notification in Slack the moment a payment has been received in Stax's Omni platform so you and your team are aware of a payment as soon as it is comes in.
- When this happens...New Payment
Triggers when a new payment (transaction) is posted to your account.
TriggerInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly. - automatically do this!Send Channel Message
Triggers when a new message is posted to a specific #channel you choose.
ActionWriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
New Customer
Triggers when a new customer is created.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.New Invoice
Triggers when a new invoice is created.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.New Scheduled Invoice
Triggers when a new scheduled invoice is created.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Deleted Catalog Item
Triggers when a catalog item has been deleted.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.List Payment
Lists your Payments.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planUpdated Dispute
Triggers when an existing dispute is updated. Note that the API does not highlight which field(s) have updated.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Updated Catalog Item
Triggers when an existing catalog item has been updated. Note that the API does not highlight which field(s) have updated.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Updated Payment
Triggers when a payment (transaction) is updated. Example, a payment is linked to a new customer. Note that a refund is considered a new transaction.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Customer
Internal Memo
The amount of tax to collect
The subtotal of all line itemsRequired
The grand total to charge for the invoiceRequired
Due Date
Number of line items to populateRequired
Line items will be populated by:
Send this now to the customer's email?
Optionally set a different date for this invoice, defaults to right now
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Customer
Schedule TypeRequired
Start OnRequired
Run IntervalRequired
Schedule this many timesRequired
Internal Memo
The amount of tax to collect
The subtotal of all line itemsRequired
The grand total to charge for the invoiceRequired
Number of line items to populateRequired
Line items will be populated by:
Send this now to the customer's email?
Optionally set a different date for this invoice, defaults to right now
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.The Item's unique identifier in the catalogRequired
Item NameRequired
Number in StockRequired
Item Code
Base Price
Item Details
Is Active?
Is Taxable?
Is Discount?
Is Percentage?
Is Subscription?
Is Service?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Search by keywordRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appSearch by customerRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appSearch by keywordRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appSearch by keywordRequired
Internal Memo
The amount of tax to collect
The subtotal of all line itemsRequired
The grand total to charge for the invoiceRequired
Due Date
Number of line items to populateRequired
Line items will be populated by:
Send this now to the customer's email?
Optionally set a different date for this invoice, defaults to right now
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundSearch by keywordRequired
Schedule TypeRequired
Start OnRequired
Run IntervalRequired
Schedule this many timesRequired
Internal Memo
The amount of tax to collect
The subtotal of all line itemsRequired
The grand total to charge for the invoiceRequired
Number of line items to populateRequired
Line items will be populated by:
Send this now to the customer's email?
Optionally set a different date for this invoice, defaults to right now
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundTrigger for Bot Messages?
Optimized data
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.ChannelRequired
Trigger for Bot Messages?
Optimized data
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Channel
User Name
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Search QueryRequired
Optimized data
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapPollingZapier checks for new data every 15 min on the Free planZap Identifier
Access type
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.New Saved Message
Triggers when you save a message.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.TextRequired
Remind when?Required
Remind who?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.ChannelRequired
Add Zapier app to channel automatically?
Message TextRequired
Send as a bot?
Bot Name
Bot Icon
Include a link to this Zap?
Attach Image by URL
Auto-Expand Links?
Link Usernames and Channel Names?
Schedule At
Send Channel Message?
Zap Id
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Channel NameRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.ChannelRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Status Text
Status Emoji
Expiration Time
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Delete Message
This action deletes an existing message in a specific channel on Slack. You need to provide the channel ID and the message timestamp as inputs.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Remove User from Channel
This action removes a specified user from a specified channel in Slack.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Find Public Channel
This action will find a public channel in Slack using either the channel's ID or name.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Get Message by Timestamp
This action retrieves a specific message from a conversation history in Slack using the message's timestamp.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.EmailRequired
Return Raw Results?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appFull NameRequired
Return Raw Results?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app
New Dispute
Triggers when a new dispute is created.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.New Catalog Item
Triggers when a new catalog item is created.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.New Payment
Triggers when a new payment (transaction) is posted to your account.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Deleted Scheduled Invoice
Triggers when a scheduled invoice has been deleted.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Updated Customer
Triggers when a an existing customer is updated. Note that the API does not highlight which field(s) have updated.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Updated Invoice
Triggers when a new invoice is updated. Note that the API does not highlight which field(s) have updated.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Updated Scheduled Invoice
Triggers when an existing scheduled invoice is updated. Examples: occurence dates changed, amount changes. Note that the API does not highlight which field(s) have updated.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.First/Given NameRequired
Last/Family NameRequired
Email AddressRequired
Allow Customer to Pay With Credit Card
Company associated with this customer
Phone Number
SMS Number
Street Address, Line 1
Street Address, Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Notes about Customer
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Item NameRequired
Number in StockRequired
Item Code
Base Price
Item Details
Is Active?
Is Taxable?
Is Discount?
Is Percentage?
Is Subscription?
Is Service?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Total to ChargeRequired
Payment MethodRequired
Create Pre-Authorization?Required
First/Given NameRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Search by keywordRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appSearch by keywordRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appSearch by keywordRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appSearch by keywordRequired
First/Given NameRequired
Last/Family NameRequired
Email AddressRequired
Allow Customer to Pay With Credit Card
Company associated with this customer
Phone Number
SMS Number
Street Address, Line 1
Street Address, Line 2
Zip/Postal Code
Notes about Customer
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundSearch by keywordRequired
Item NameRequired
Number in StockRequired
Item Code
Base Price
Item Details
Is Active?
Is Taxable?
Is Discount?
Is Percentage?
Is Subscription?
Is Service?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundSearch by keywordRequired
Total to ChargeRequired
Payment MethodRequired
Create Pre-Authorization?Required
First/Given NameRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.Search or writeFind existing data in your app, or create a new record if no data is foundNew Channel
Triggers when a new #channel is created.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.Username
Highlight Word
Trigger for Bot Messages?
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.ChannelRequired
Trigger for Bot Messages?
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.New User
Triggers when a new Slack user is created / first joins your org.
Try ItTriggerThis is the start of your ZapInstantThis event starts a Zap instantly.ChannelRequired
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Send Multi Message
Message TextRequired
Send as a bot?
Include a link to this Zap?
Attach Image by URL
Auto-Expand Links?
Link Usernames and Channel Names?
Schedule At
Zap Id
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.ChannelRequired
Add Zapier app to channel automatically?
Message TextRequired
Send as a bot?
Bot Name
Bot Icon
Include a link to this Zap?
Attach Image by URL
Auto-Expand Links?
Link Usernames and Channel Names?
Schedule At
Zap Id
Send Channel Message?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.First Name
Last Name
Display Name
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Api Docs Info
Stop on errorRequired
HTTP MethodRequired
Query string parameters
Additional request headers
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Retrieve Thread Messages
This action retrieves all the messages sent to a specific thread in a selected channel.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Create Private Channel
This action creates a private channel in Slack.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Edit Message
This action updates a specific message sent by the same Authenticated user on Slack. You need to provide the Channel ID, the Timestamp of the message to be edited, and the new text for the message.
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.WriteCreate a new record or update an existing record in your app.Search QueryRequired
Sort By
Sort Direction
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appIDRequired
Return Raw Results?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your appUsernameRequired
Return Raw Results?
ActionThis is an event a Zap performs.SearchFind existing data in your app