Send sms for new videos in YouTube playlist with SMS by Zapier
Whenever a new video is added to your YouTube playlist, this workflow ensures you're immediately informed via a straightforward SMS message. It helps you stay updated on your favorite content, without requiring you to constantly check your YouTube account manually. Simply set up this integration and let it take the strain, ensuring you never miss the latest additions to your playlist.
Whenever a new video is added to your YouTube playlist, this workflow ensures you're immediately informed via a straightforward SMS message. It helps you stay updated on your favorite content, without requiring you to constantly check your YouTube account manually. Simply set up this integration and let it take the strain, ensuring you never miss the latest additions to your playlist.
- When this happens...New Video in Playlist
Triggers when a new video is added to a specific playlist. Note does not work for your "watch later" playlist.
- automatically do this!Send SMS
Send an SMS to a number. Notice that a successful action means that the SMS has been queued, not delivered.
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