SMTP by Zapier + Zapier Manager

Send email notifications for new halted tasks in Zapier Manager with SMTP by Zapier

Stay informed about your halted tasks in the Zapier Manager app without missing a beat. This workflow sends you an email notification via SMTP by Zapier whenever a new halted task occurs. It's a useful tool to quickly address issues, keep your workspace running smoothly, and maintain productivity. No more constant checking for halted tasks, let this automation handle it for you.

Stay informed about your halted tasks in the Zapier Manager app without missing a beat. This workflow sends you an email notification via SMTP by Zapier whenever a new halted task occurs. It's a useful tool to quickly address issues, keep your workspace running smoothly, and maintain productivity. No more constant checking for halted tasks, let this automation handle it for you.

  1. When this happens...
    Zapier ManagerZapier Manager
  2. automatically do this!
    SMTP by ZapierSMTP by Zapier
    Send Email

    Sends a plaintext email from a specific SMTP server.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

smtp logo
smtp logo

About SMTP by Zapier

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, which is an Internet standard for email transmission available in Microsoft, Google and Yahoo! products among millions of mail servers worldwide. Check our IMAP service as well!

Related categories

  • Email
  • Zapier
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zapier-manager logo

About Zapier Manager

Bolster your Zap housekeeping with Zapier Manager. Track Zap errors, invite members to your Team, and more!

Related categories

  • Developer Tools
  • Zapier