Speak Ai + YouTube

Upload and analyze new YouTube videos in Speak Ai

When a new video appears in your YouTube channel, this workflow instantly uploads the file to Speak Ai for transcription and analysis. This process enables fast, efficient content transformation, turning your video into searchable, analyzable text in a seamless, automated way. Stay on top of your content without extra effort, and gain valuable insights with the power of artificial intelligence from Speak Ai.

When a new video appears in your YouTube channel, this workflow instantly uploads the file to Speak Ai for transcription and analysis. This process enables fast, efficient content transformation, turning your video into searchable, analyzable text in a seamless, automated way. Stay on top of your content without extra effort, and gain valuable insights with the power of artificial intelligence from Speak Ai.

  1. When this happens...
    New Video in Channel

    Triggers when a new video is published to a specific YouTube channel.

  2. automatically do this!
    Speak AiSpeak Ai
    Upload File to Transcribe and Analyze

    Uploads new audio or video files for automatic transcription and analysis.

Start free with email
Start free with email
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Supported triggers and actions

speak-ai logo
speak-ai logo

About Speak Ai

Speak Ai is a tool to analyze audio and video to get insights extraction and transcriptions.

Related categories

  • Transcription
youtube logo
youtube logo

About YouTube

YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small.
Learn more

Related categories

  • Google
  • Video & Audio

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