WhatsApp Notifications + Zapier Manager

"send WhatsApp Notifications messages when task usage limit is reached in Zapier Manager"

When you reach your task usage limit in the Manager app, it's essential to get a prompt notification. With this workflow, you'll receive a timely message within the WhatsApp Notifications app, thus keeping you informed and ready to act. Stay on top of your project management by ensuring you're always aware when a task limit is hit.

When you reach your task usage limit in the Manager app, it's essential to get a prompt notification. With this workflow, you'll receive a timely message within the WhatsApp Notifications app, thus keeping you informed and ready to act. Stay on top of your project management by ensuring you're always aware when a task limit is hit.

  1. When this happens...
    Zapier ManagerZapier Manager
    Task Usage Limit Reached

    Triggers when your task usage hits a specified percentage or number of your plan's included tasks.

  2. automatically do this!
    WhatsApp NotificationsWhatsApp Notifications
    Send Message

    Sends a message to a WhatsApp user.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

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whatsapp-notifications logo

About WhatsApp Notifications

Receive notifications on WhatsApp.

Related categories

  • Communication
  • Notifications
  • Phone & SMS
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About Zapier Manager

Bolster your Zap housekeeping with Zapier Manager. Track Zap errors, invite members to your Team, and more!

Related categories

  • Developer Tools
  • Zapier