
Belle Cooper

Belle B. Cooper is the co-founder of Exist, a personal analytics platform to help you understand your life.

Belle Cooper

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Productivity tips

The Best Ways to Protect Your Time

Important people are busy, so anyone who's very busy must be very important, right? Not necessarily.

By Belle Cooper

5 min read

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App tips

Sound Smarter with These Vocabulary Building Apps and Tips

Have you ever felt that high from finally employing a new, SAT-worthy word, matching it to the exact meaning you're trying to convey? It's like fitting the last piece into a jigsaw puzzle; there's something incredibly satisfying about using words well.

By Belle Cooper

9 min read

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Productivity tips

The Power of Silence: Why You Need Less Noise for Work and Your Health

Shhh. Hear that? No? That's surprising. Odds are, you can hear something right now: A siren, the hum of a fan, the blur of background conversations, the ticking of a watch.

By Belle Cooper

7 min read

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Productivity tips

Keystone Habits: Improve All Areas of Your Life with One Small Habit

Not all habits are created equal. Some will have a much bigger effect on your life. These "high return" habits are often called keystone habits, and if you're going to adopt only one new habit, it should be one of these.

By Belle Cooper

10 min read

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'