Brady Dale is a journalist who writes for Technically Brooklyn, OMNI Reboot and Fortune Magazine. As a comedic storyteller, he's appeared on podcasts such as RISK! with Kevin Allison and First Person Arts. He grew up in Kansas and lives in Brooklyn.
Brady Dale
Brady's articles
Automate your work with Zapier
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Business tips
Get Smart About Product Design with this Hierarchy of Needs
RelateIQ wants to give users a simple way to verify a rule for an email they’re about to send.
By Brady Dale
8 min read
Business tips
In the Age of Experience, Great Design is Your Business Plan
The age of features is over. Competing products, Aral Balkan argues, have feature parity today. It’s not features that differentiate products now, it’s the experience. That’s why the best designs are winning the most business.
By Brady Dale
11 min read
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