
Hannah Herman

Hannah Herman is a copywriter and native New Yorker. She's written extensively on automation, but her real jam is creative, catchy taglines. When she's not writing, she's probably walking around the city and trying to look at her phone less.

Hannah Herman

Hannah's articles

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Automate your work with Zapier

More from Hannah

Automation inspiration

4 Constant Contact automation ideas

Connect Constant Contact to the other apps in your tech stack to make it a true email marketing powerhouse.

By Hannah Herman

0 min read

Automation inspiration

Your guide to Zoho automation

Your Zoho apps have a secret superpower: They can connect to all the other business-critical apps you use with Zapier's automated workflows.

By Hannah Herman

5 min read

Automation inspiration

4 ways to automate Podio with Zapier

With Zapier, you can create automated workflows that eliminate some of the repetitive work associated with project management—like task creation. Here's how to automate Podio.

By Hannah Herman

2 min read

Marketing tips

10 examples of ethos in advertising to inspire your next campaign

A little bit of rhetorical theory can unlock why some ads work and others fall flat. Here, I'll talk about the value of ethos in ads and give you plenty of examples.

By Hannah Herman

7 min read

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'