Kathleen McAuliffe

Kathleen McAuliffe

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Productivity tips

The Art of Delegating: What and How to Delegate to Your Directs

Surprise! Pushing your unwanted projects onto someone else actually increases productivity for everyone. For the overworked manager juggling their business development duties with supervisory activities, delegating sounds like a gift from beyond.

By Kathleen McAuliffe

13 min read

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Productivity tips

Procrastinate with a Purpose: Science-Backed Ways to Recharge Your Creativity

Bad news: We’re biologically hardwired to procrastinate. Research shows we possess a limited amount of willpower that drains throughout the day, regardless of what we do.

By Kathleen McAuliffe

12 min read

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Productivity tips

Perks for Productivity: The 8 Best Company Benefits for Productivity and Happiness

Imagine how much you’d accomplish in one day if not for annoying tasks like buying food.

By Kathleen McAuliffe

15 min read

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Productivity tips

7 Ways to Kill Stress and Jumpstart Your Creativity

Conventional wisdom says that our boldest, most groundbreaking ideas come in crunch time.

By Kathleen McAuliffe

12 min read

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'