Leanna is a future of work and wellbeing writer-journalist and mental health advocate with lived experience. She also co-hosts Bettermental, a small business wellness and growth podcast.
Leanna Lee
Leanna's articles
Automate your work with Zapier
Productivity tips
These are the lessons I learned as a freelancer that have allowed me to perform better at my full-time job.
By Leanna Lee
5 min read
Productivity tips
Burnout looks different for everyone. But there are some common themes to watch out for.
By Leanna Lee
8 min read
Business tips
The moment you expect people to start paying you money in exchange for value that you provide, you can no longer treat it as a passive endeavor. But when you have a full-time job—plus a life that you'd really like to enjoy—that's easier said than done.
By Leanna Lee
11 min read
Business tips
A letters of introduction (LOI) is one of the best-kept secrets of the freelance world. But this simple, yet effective message can be a powerful marketing strategy for any freelancer looking for clients.
By Leanna Lee
6 min read
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