Matt Ellis
Matt's articles
Automate your work with Zapier
App tips
WooCommerce is the simplest way to get started with the self-hosted eCommerce adventure. It's a free WordPress plugin that you can install onto an existing WordPress site, and only takes a few more steps than Shopify to start selling products.
By Matt Ellis
7 min read
Marketing tips
A lot can slip through the cracks when overseeing multiple marketing strategies, but the 4 Ps of marketing, AKA marketing mix, act as a useful safety net—never mind that they sound like the start of a kindergarten lesson.
By Matt Ellis
6 min read
Business tips
eCommerce is hard enough for full-time retailers, so doing it as a side hustle might seem overwhelming. But promotional merchandising can improve business for any company or influencer.
By Matt Ellis
6 min read
Productivity tips
Do you ever wonder about those sages who live alone in the mountains, and think, "I bet they could fill out a spreadsheet in no time!"? The science, somewhat surprisingly, suggests that they could.
By Matt Ellis
10 min read
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